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Coloris, the sculpture in CityLife that represents diversity


Walking around CityLife, every passerby observes it. It is impossible not to notice it. “Coloris” is the work of art realized by the Cameroonian artist called Pascal Marthine Tayou, who stands out in the neighborhood park. Eggs on top of colored metal poles, touching the sky of Milan.

“Coloris” is just one of several sculptures hosted in the public park of the CityLife area, where the municipality of Milan has chosen, with the Artline Milano project, to create an outdoor collection of contemporary works of art.

What ‘Coloris’ means

Roberto Pinto, ArtLine Milano project’s Coordinator, described Tayou’s sculpture as:

«Colors laying on a planisphere structure. Blue represents the sea. Then there are the demarcated continents. Each of these colors represents ourselves, our cultures, our identities. They are dissimilar to each other. And this is exactly where their most important richness hides: diversity».


Coloris lays on a planisphere structure. In the picture Italy is visible.


A sculpture for everyone

Pinto uses a word to describe the work of art: «Friendly», as every day, it is used by children turning it into a sort of playground. Metamorphosis that reveals the true meaning of the sculpture itself: the importance of sharing. «Children are those who have no prejudices in front of the sculpture, they use it even before trying to understand it. I believe that art works a little bit like this. We must use it, own it and if possible, enjoy it».


Children playing around Coloris
Priscilla Bruno

Romana, classe ‘96. I libri sono da sempre la mia costante: ricordo come da bambina la mia eroina fosse Jo March, la protagonista di Piccole Donne che usava la sua penna come arma contro qualsiasi pregiudizio.

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